

I chose CHC because it was the best and closest option for me. 我是在家自学的 for most of high 学校, and I did not take the required classes or tests to transfer 去上四年制大学. Although CHC was basically my only option, I would have chosen to go there due to the advant年龄s it had offered.

What is one thing that you don't think people know about CHC, but should know?
I think people don't really know about how many countless resources and opportunities 有! From the tutoring center, to the honors program, to the student senate, 这里有适合每个人的东西.

What are your future plans and goals after graduating from CHC?
After graduating from CHC, I will transfer to UCLA. 我计划主修英语和英语 辅修历史. 在这之后,我希望进入法学院.

If there is a CHC employee who inspired you, please provide the name of the person 以及他或她如何激励了你.
Although 有 many names that come to mind, I would say Professor Langenfeld and Professor Jimenez have inspired me the most. 兰根菲尔德教授帮助我进步 in my writing and really sparked my love for researching and analyzing literature. Professor Jimenez reignited my love for history, and helped me deliver a speech on Veterans Day that I didn't even know I would be able to do. 我对两者都很期待 of their classes and I am going to miss them so much.

CHC has improved my 生活 in multiple ways. CHC给了我重新创造的机会 myself after quitting a sport that I had Olympic hopes for. 学校改变了我的生活 在完全. I went from feeling like a lost, confused, and failing athlete to someone with more purpose and more attributes and skills other than a sport. I rediscovered things about myself that I had forgotten about over my competitive years and I feel more complete and content because of it.

What would happen if CHC was no longer an option for you? 这会给你带来什么改变 生活?
If CHC was no longer an option for me, my 生活 would be completely different. 我不会 have had the opportunity to participate in honors, research conferences, presentations, 转移研讨会,以及更多. If I did not have CHC, 我不会 have been able to transfer to my dream 学校 and pursue my career goals.

Please tell us about some of the challenges you have experienced in 生活. 如何 those challenges made you who you are today?
Becoming a lawyer wasn't my first career choice. 首先,我计划成为一名奥运选手 马术表演/马术骑手. After I graduating early from high 学校, I began to rethink my future and realized that riding horses was not going to give me the satisfaction 我渴望成功. In addition, I didn't have the means to afford a more capable horse to compete at the higher levels and reach my initial dream. 我做了最难的 decision of my 生活 by quitting horse riding. 我还是不确定自己是什么 going to do, I just knew that I had to find another passion that would set my 生活 为了成功和稳定. I moved back to my hometown in Big Bear and signed up 去九州体育平台入口上课. Enrolling in a four year university wasn't an option since I never took the SAT or the required classes for transfer during high 学校. All of my effort and focus went into riding, so I was happy to find that I could pursue a different career at Crafton. 除此之外,我的成长经历相当 也和其他孩子不一样. My parents were hugely successful motorcycle shop owners so I had a very different childhood and view on college than other kids. I 从未被迫上过大学. When I was eleven, my parents business went 破产了,他们失去了一切. Watching my parents go from not having a house or a working car to building the largest motorcycle company next to Harley Davidson has shown me that I can achieve anything I set my mind to. 此外,我的父亲 was an illegal immigrant from Australia who dropped out of high 学校 at 年龄 14. When he moved to America, he gained his citizenship and immediately started working. My mother was the daughter of Mexican immigrants and was raised along with three other 姐妹. The dedication and perseverance my parents have displayed continues to inspire 把我推向伟大. I believe that growing up in the rough motorcycle industry with a father who was involved in outlaw motorcycle gangs has shaped my character as well; the odd experiences I have had gave me the chance to gain a fairly broad perspective on the world and the people within it. 在生意场上和成年人在一起 and social situations has allowed me to experience what the real world is like. 这 forced me to mature quicker and helped me to start thinking about my future at a young 年龄. Although I was raised by two parents who had never gone to college, I still feel confident and content in the college community. 我感觉很好,我能 to choose my own career path and pursue my dreams without the influence of others. All of these things have made me who I am today, and 我不会 change a thing.